Mrs. Richardson and Mrs.McCarthy "swinging the broom". This was a drill we worked on to help increase distance. I will re-do the "Desire for Distance" clinic in January.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sweeping the tee???
Mrs. Richardson and Mrs.McCarthy "swinging the broom". This was a drill we worked on to help increase distance. I will re-do the "Desire for Distance" clinic in January.
December in Naples!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Parrots in Paradise...
These pictures I took near the 6th hole at Windstar. This is what is left of a palm tree. It looks to me that the woodpeckers went to town on this tree. In doing so, they have provided endless hours of entertainment for other birds. If you double click on any picture, it will show it as a larger image.
Tuesday Mornings at Windstar
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hi to all,
I have appreciated the interest and questions about my plans for the winter season.
I am in limbo right now and hoping to have everything firmed up by the end of the week.
My goal is to be down south, and back at the end of April.
Stay tuned.....
I have appreciated the interest and questions about my plans for the winter season.
I am in limbo right now and hoping to have everything firmed up by the end of the week.
My goal is to be down south, and back at the end of April.
Stay tuned.....
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
I would like to acknowledge Nikki Watermeyer.
Nikki started taking lessons a year in a half ago.
She is entering High School at Worthing Kilbourne this year and has made the golf team.
Nikki's dedication has been exceptional. She has done everything possible to get better.
She for the last two seasons has participated in my Friday night GolfaPalooza league, continued with lessons this past winter with Tom Brock while I was in Naples and took advantage of all the "optional" practices with the team this summer.
Her "SUCCESS STORY" is her own! I acknowledge her for that reason. Success comes from dedication, perseverance and patience.
Nikki, Congratulations, on YOUR success!!
Your an inspiration to others!
Thanks Alex and Sherman!
People often ask me...."How often do you play golf?" Not much is my normal answer.
But this summer was different.
Two of my students, Alex and Sherman, had goals to make their middle school golf teams.
Their parents/grandparents and I put together a plan which included lessons and playing sessions. This started after school let out in early June.
We played the courses in which they would have to play for try outs.
Along with Shermans grandfather, they were my weekly foursome. I walked with them playing the courses and played from the whites. Some of these courses were quite challenging, and fortunate for me, the weather stayed bareable!
I am very happy to report, that both made their teams!!! I am very proud of their dedication and willingness to listen and learn.
Also, would like to report, my game has improved just being able to play this summer.
I hope Sherman and Alex will keep us updated with how the season goes!
But this summer was different.
Two of my students, Alex and Sherman, had goals to make their middle school golf teams.
Their parents/grandparents and I put together a plan which included lessons and playing sessions. This started after school let out in early June.
We played the courses in which they would have to play for try outs.
Along with Shermans grandfather, they were my weekly foursome. I walked with them playing the courses and played from the whites. Some of these courses were quite challenging, and fortunate for me, the weather stayed bareable!
I am very happy to report, that both made their teams!!! I am very proud of their dedication and willingness to listen and learn.
Also, would like to report, my game has improved just being able to play this summer.
I hope Sherman and Alex will keep us updated with how the season goes!
The Coaches
Pictured below is Head Coach Brian Riegel, me and Coach Jeffrey Hollaran
(That is NOT a coach on the left of Coach Riegal!)
Worthington Kilbourne has a Varsity team and B team and Coach Riegal has been intrumental in bringing golf to the middle schools.
The cubs (middle school team) sometimes practices with us.
I'll keep you updated!

(That is NOT a coach on the left of Coach Riegal!)
Worthington Kilbourne has a Varsity team and B team and Coach Riegal has been intrumental in bringing golf to the middle schools.
The cubs (middle school team) sometimes practices with us.
I'll keep you updated!
Worthington Kilbourne Girls Golf Team Practice
I know it's been a while since I have blogged. It's been a busy summer and have really enjoyed working with everyone this summer.
It's the start of another golf season for the High Schools.
Below are some recent pictures from Team practice at Ables.
Coach Riegel doesn't pull any punches when it comes to the rules of Golf.
The girls were given a 18 questions test about the rules of golf. You were allowed to use the rules book, for any question you got wrong, you had to run 1 lap around the tee box.
After the 3rd lap, the other players were able to chip balls at you. Your only protection......a basket over your head!
Below are some pictures...enjoy!
Friday, May 2, 2008
For the past three years Laurel and I have worked with the Columbus School for Girls middle school students. I have enjoyed the enthusiasm of the girls and their interest in the game.
Below are some recent photo's taken at Ables.
Girls, if your viewing this, let me know what the lessons have meant to you.

Below are some recent photo's taken at Ables.
Girls, if your viewing this, let me know what the lessons have meant to you.
Do you have a rules question? If so, e-mail me with it and I'll post it on this blog.
During play, my partner's ball ended up in a hazard, but it was playable. Before he hit his shot, he took three practice swings. Each time, his clubhead brushed the grass inside the hazard line. Is there a penalty for this?
The "Note" under Rule 13-4 states that when a player's ball is in a hazard, it's okay for her or his club to touch grass, brush or other natural growth, as long as she or he doesn't ground the club (let it rest on the ground).
During play, my partner's ball ended up in a hazard, but it was playable. Before he hit his shot, he took three practice swings. Each time, his clubhead brushed the grass inside the hazard line. Is there a penalty for this?
The "Note" under Rule 13-4 states that when a player's ball is in a hazard, it's okay for her or his club to touch grass, brush or other natural growth, as long as she or he doesn't ground the club (let it rest on the ground).
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Playing Sessions, Are they helpful?
I thought I would write about the Playing Sessions I offer for Adult Students. I offer 9 hole playing sessions at Wilson Rd. They are $50 per session and include green fees and pull cart.
These are geared for those who have played golf and have had lessons. I assist the student with club selection, alignment, etiquette and rules. But the biggest help Ifeel these sessions offer is around the green.
The shots around the green can be the difference of shooting 60 or 48. I find most people want to hit high shots when in fact, a low shot leaves less room for error.
I once heard my fellow teaching pro, Laurel Dieken, tell someone, "when you can putt it, putt it, if you can't putt it, hit a low shot (chip) LAST RESORT...hit a high shot (pitch)" I found that advice to be some of the most important I have every heard. And I use it with my students, but I scream....the last part of it.
The last two weeks Donna Grimes as organized a few of the ladies from her league for the playing sessions. Below are some pictures from last week. I would love to hear comments from anyone who has done any of my playing sessions. I'm interested in hearing what you have gotten out of the sessions.
Feel free to post your comments.
These are geared for those who have played golf and have had lessons. I assist the student with club selection, alignment, etiquette and rules. But the biggest help Ifeel these sessions offer is around the green.
The shots around the green can be the difference of shooting 60 or 48. I find most people want to hit high shots when in fact, a low shot leaves less room for error.
I once heard my fellow teaching pro, Laurel Dieken, tell someone, "when you can putt it, putt it, if you can't putt it, hit a low shot (chip) LAST RESORT...hit a high shot (pitch)" I found that advice to be some of the most important I have every heard. And I use it with my students, but I scream....the last part of it.
The last two weeks Donna Grimes as organized a few of the ladies from her league for the playing sessions. Below are some pictures from last week. I would love to hear comments from anyone who has done any of my playing sessions. I'm interested in hearing what you have gotten out of the sessions.
Feel free to post your comments.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
This is how I spent part of my Saturday. I helped out with officiating the LADY BUCKEYE INVITATIONAL.
It was a day that had I had a tee time.....I would have cancelled it. Raining off and on and cold.
It was exciting to see the girls play. Penn State, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Illinois, Toledo, Michigan State were just a few participating.
As of this morning, the LADY BUCKEYES were in second place.
Below is the link for more information.

It was a day that had I had a tee time.....I would have cancelled it. Raining off and on and cold.
It was exciting to see the girls play. Penn State, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Illinois, Toledo, Michigan State were just a few participating.
As of this morning, the LADY BUCKEYES were in second place.
Below is the link for more information.
I am so excited to post these e-mails below. I wanted to share them on my blog, because this group of people at Forest Glen have become near and dear to my heart. I can not express enough how much I enjoyed meeting and working with the membership there.
So...keep those e-mails coming and let me know how your doing!!!
Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I was thinking about you. Hope all is going well.
Guess what? I "finally" got my first birdie today. I was really nervous when it came my turn to putt. I thought, oh no, I am going to blow this. But, to my surprise and probably everyone else's, the little white ball went in the cup. And, I have you to thank for it. I can hear you say "keep your head still and keep it down". Thanks so much.
Take care and keep in touch. Good luck with your students this season.
Thanks for the news! I am so proud of you and know your confidence will continue to grow. How I laughed reading this!!! You almost talked your self right out of making that! Remember to focus on what you want, not what you don't want!!!!
Thanks for making my time at FG an enjoyable one. You ALWAYS made me smile!
Hi Kim,
I just had to share this with you. Yesterday at Heritage Bay on the Oak-Pine Course (slope 123) I shot under 100 for the the first time (score 98). Certainly it helped to have a lot fewer penalty strokes because of the design of this course but most important was the fact that the ball was going where I wanted it to go. And that's thanks to you!
I really enjoyed our sessions and will always value your help. I can't say that enough. Thanks!
Hopefully the winter is waning in Ohio and you can get back to your golf. Have a great summer and let us know when you're back next fall.
WOW...this is great news to hear! I tell people daily of your success! And you can thank me all you want, but YOU are the one who made the difference. Your questions and conversations helped make me a better teacher.
Thanks and keep me posted!
So...keep those e-mails coming and let me know how your doing!!!
Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I was thinking about you. Hope all is going well.
Guess what? I "finally" got my first birdie today. I was really nervous when it came my turn to putt. I thought, oh no, I am going to blow this. But, to my surprise and probably everyone else's, the little white ball went in the cup. And, I have you to thank for it. I can hear you say "keep your head still and keep it down". Thanks so much.
Take care and keep in touch. Good luck with your students this season.
Thanks for the news! I am so proud of you and know your confidence will continue to grow. How I laughed reading this!!! You almost talked your self right out of making that! Remember to focus on what you want, not what you don't want!!!!
Thanks for making my time at FG an enjoyable one. You ALWAYS made me smile!
Hi Kim,
I just had to share this with you. Yesterday at Heritage Bay on the Oak-Pine Course (slope 123) I shot under 100 for the the first time (score 98). Certainly it helped to have a lot fewer penalty strokes because of the design of this course but most important was the fact that the ball was going where I wanted it to go. And that's thanks to you!
I really enjoyed our sessions and will always value your help. I can't say that enough. Thanks!
Hopefully the winter is waning in Ohio and you can get back to your golf. Have a great summer and let us know when you're back next fall.
WOW...this is great news to hear! I tell people daily of your success! And you can thank me all you want, but YOU are the one who made the difference. Your questions and conversations helped make me a better teacher.
Thanks and keep me posted!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
What so great about Hybrids?
I was recently asked "What is so great about Hybrids, everyone is talking about them?"
Their GREAT!!!
The majority of the weight in these clubs is in the back. Because there's so much more weight behind the ball, even if you hit slightly behind the ball with a hybrid, the club is going to swing on through .The best thing since sliced bread! (did I just say that?...I'm turning into my mother)
I thought I would blog and answer some questions about the club and how to use it.
What is a hybrid?
A hybrid golf club is half iron, half wood.
What does it replace?
It has replaced many of the longer irons in your bag and in my opinion the 3 and 5 wood.
Can you hit a hybrid as far as a 3 wood?
What I have found in watching people play is that the 3 wood for most people is not consistent.
While doing several playing sessions this winter, I asked students when choosing a 3 wood to hit, why? The response was, "I need to hit a long shot...I have a long way to the green" My response would be "Do you think you'll get there with this club?" They most often would answer with "will when I hit it good, I have a chance" I would then ask "How often do you hit it good?"
Their response "not very".
How can you gain confidence with a club that you don't have total belief in?
The number one goal for most of the people I teach is consistency. They want to become more consistent in their shot making. I truly believe that the hybrid is easier to hit then a 5 or 3 wood. I truly believe that anyone would have more success with it and therefore I truly believe it's the club that will allow you to become more consistent especially with the longer shots to the green. SUCCESS BREEDS CONFIDENCE!
For the hybrid, your stance width should be the same as for a longer iron. Your ball position is forward if center, but not quite so forward as it would be for a traditional fairway wood.
If your hybrid is the length of a mid iron, position it in the center.
Let me know if you have questions about hybrids by e-mailing me at
Their GREAT!!!
The majority of the weight in these clubs is in the back. Because there's so much more weight behind the ball, even if you hit slightly behind the ball with a hybrid, the club is going to swing on through .The best thing since sliced bread! (did I just say that?...I'm turning into my mother)
I thought I would blog and answer some questions about the club and how to use it.
What is a hybrid?
A hybrid golf club is half iron, half wood.
What does it replace?
It has replaced many of the longer irons in your bag and in my opinion the 3 and 5 wood.
Can you hit a hybrid as far as a 3 wood?
What I have found in watching people play is that the 3 wood for most people is not consistent.
While doing several playing sessions this winter, I asked students when choosing a 3 wood to hit, why? The response was, "I need to hit a long shot...I have a long way to the green" My response would be "Do you think you'll get there with this club?" They most often would answer with "will when I hit it good, I have a chance" I would then ask "How often do you hit it good?"
Their response "not very".
How can you gain confidence with a club that you don't have total belief in?
The number one goal for most of the people I teach is consistency. They want to become more consistent in their shot making. I truly believe that the hybrid is easier to hit then a 5 or 3 wood. I truly believe that anyone would have more success with it and therefore I truly believe it's the club that will allow you to become more consistent especially with the longer shots to the green. SUCCESS BREEDS CONFIDENCE!
For the hybrid, your stance width should be the same as for a longer iron. Your ball position is forward if center, but not quite so forward as it would be for a traditional fairway wood.
If your hybrid is the length of a mid iron, position it in the center.
Let me know if you have questions about hybrids by e-mailing me at
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A Big Congrats to Julie Lechner.
I had the pleasure to watch her play in Ocala a couple of weeks ago.
Julie, your swing looks great and It was so much fun watching you.
Julie shot a 80-76 to take 13th place.
Julie competed with the finest of talent, 6 under won the tournament!!
These girls got game!!
Julie participated this past weekend in a Plantation Tour event at Cook's Creek.
Congratulations on your 3rd place finish!
Julie.....maybe you could share with those coming up on how you prepare for a tournament and what steps you have taken over the years to get to where your at!
I had the pleasure to watch her play in Ocala a couple of weeks ago.
Julie, your swing looks great and It was so much fun watching you.
Julie shot a 80-76 to take 13th place.
Julie competed with the finest of talent, 6 under won the tournament!!
These girls got game!!
Julie participated this past weekend in a Plantation Tour event at Cook's Creek.
Congratulations on your 3rd place finish!
Julie.....maybe you could share with those coming up on how you prepare for a tournament and what steps you have taken over the years to get to where your at!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
It's Masters Week.
One of the few times I love to sit myself down in front of the television and watch for hours.
I love the limited commercials and enjoy the play and the sites of the golf course.
Yesterday for the first time they televised the Par 3 tournament. What a great time for the players. It was good to see Phil interact with his 5 year old son. Coody make a hole in one in front of his 8 year old grandsons.
They also are allowing kids 8-17 to come into the tournament free with a accredited patron.
Many thanks to those in charge for recognizing the future of this game is with our youth!!
Enjoy the golf and if you get a chance check out the web site.
One of the few times I love to sit myself down in front of the television and watch for hours.
I love the limited commercials and enjoy the play and the sites of the golf course.
Yesterday for the first time they televised the Par 3 tournament. What a great time for the players. It was good to see Phil interact with his 5 year old son. Coody make a hole in one in front of his 8 year old grandsons.
They also are allowing kids 8-17 to come into the tournament free with a accredited patron.
Many thanks to those in charge for recognizing the future of this game is with our youth!!
Enjoy the golf and if you get a chance check out the web site.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Back in Ohio
Sunday, February 24, 2008
One more month.....
I am coming to the end of my stay here in Naples. I really feel blessed to have had the oppourtunity to find a very special place at Forest Glen. I have enjoyed the time and look forward to the chance of coming back next year. Along with the members, I will miss the unique wild life here in Naples. The bottom two pictures above are wild turkeys. And I'm not sure what the top bird is, but know one of my nephews will let me know. At the age of 46, I for the first time, know what a eagle sounds like.....How exciting is that!!!
I will be leaving Naples around the first of April. SO one more month to enjoy the people and birds!!!...Oh, by the way...there was another PANTHER siteing on Friday. Hope I have my camera when that fellow comes around!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Wow....I was there and saw this one....GREAT EXCITEMENT!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Mardi Gras at Forest Glen
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