I thought I would write about the Playing Sessions I offer for Adult Students. I offer 9 hole playing sessions at Wilson Rd. They are $50 per session and include green fees and pull cart.
These are geared for those who have played golf and have had lessons. I assist the student with club selection, alignment, etiquette and rules. But the biggest help Ifeel these sessions offer is around the green.
The shots around the green can be the difference of shooting 60 or 48. I find most people want to hit high shots when in fact, a low shot leaves less room for error.
I once heard my fellow teaching pro, Laurel Dieken, tell someone, "when you can putt it, putt it, if you can't putt it, hit a low shot (chip) LAST RESORT...hit a high shot (pitch)" I found that advice to be some of the most important I have every heard. And I use it with my students, but I scream....the last part of it.
The last two weeks Donna Grimes as organized a few of the ladies from her league for the playing sessions. Below are some pictures from last week. I would love to hear comments from anyone who has done any of my playing sessions. I'm interested in hearing what you have gotten out of the sessions.
Feel free to post your comments.