Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas.....(yes...I'm a bit late)

Many of you have e-mailed and asked what I did for Christmas. I started the morning meeting the Wittkopfs and Ms. Zappala at one of only two golf courses that were open Christmas day. We had an 8am tee time.....I can't EVER remember playing golf on Christmas day. We had a BLAST!!! I holed one out from about 80 yards. Then Mr. Wittkopf chipped one in off the green; and then Mrs. Witkopf followed. This was all on different holes, but what fun it was to watch. We feel that Ms. Zappala may have felt a little pressure to perform....but she came close!!

I later had dinner at the Alleman's. It was great company and good food. Thanks to all for making my first Christmas without enjoyable one!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Can you name this bird?

I'm not sure what kind of bird this is, but if you me at!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Snowman Game

Tuesday was the Ladies Day Christmas Outing. The game was the Snowman game. It was a 2 BB format and if the score of the two balls equaled 8 you were allowed to deduct 1 stroke and make it 7. The ladies dressed in Christmas attire and enjoyed a luncheon after the round.

Here are some pictures from the event.

Above is Mrs. Crass and her decorative cart along with Drew.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Please don't send anymore tree is full!!

Santa has arrived early for me! What a cool bike, I can't wait to ride it to the beach.



I spent the weekend playing some golf with Tricia Hammer and Karen Roggenkamp. Karen was able to escape the cold weather in Columbus and come down for a visit with Tricia. We had a round at Forest Glen on Sunday and then play Tricia's club on Monday. What a great course and in terrific shape. I enjoyed the time with both and appreciate the invite. Thanks Tricia for being such a wonderful hostess and for golf and lunch!

Here are some shots from the day on Monday.
P.S.....Karen, something to look back at on those cold winter days in Ohio!!

Us after lunch on the patio overlooking the golf course.

Tricia and Karen taking a break during the round.

Wow did you guys see how far that flew??

These girls know their golf and I always enjoy talking to them about it! They both have helped me to become a better teacher. Thanks for your honest conversations!


Hi promised my nephew's back home I would try to get some pictures of the unique birds and other animals.

On the left is a picture of some type of bird. I would like to ask my nephew Drew (who has an interest in birds) if he can let me know just what kind of bird this is.

The other picture is of an alligator which is slowly creeping up to .....will I'll leave it up to your imaginations!

Friday, December 7, 2007

How to find out which eye is dominant and the plumb bobbing method of reading breaks

Step One
Make a triangle with both of your hands by overlapping your thumbs and the top half of your fingers.
Step Two
Extend your arms toward your target.
Step Three
Look through the triangle at the target.
Step Four
Keep your hand-triangle small enough so that only one eye can look through it up close.
Step Five
Keep both eyes open.
Step Six
Move your hands back to your face, still looking at the target through your hands. Whichever eye your hands gravitate toward is your dominant eye.
Step Seven
Double check by holding the triangle at arms distance again and closing your non-dominant eye. The target should remain centered in the opening.


What you are supposed to do is stand with your head and shoulders in line with the slope of the green, use your dominate eye, and do it the same way each time.

Stand behind your ball and the flag and line the bottom of the shaft up with the edge of the ball, and that should give you a reference of how much slope there is.

Putting Practice with a Purpose

Here are some photo's from the last clinic. Everyone did really well!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Pictures of the Pro Shop

On the top is Jon working on re-spiking a members shoes. You can also see the computers we work on for tee times and checking players in. We have a WELL stocked Pro shop and on the bottom you can see some of the merchandise.

On the left is two of our members, Mrs. Witkopf and Mrs. Murray.
I have really enjoyed meeting and working with all the members!

The Clear water at Naples

If you look real close, you can see a small school of fish.

Me at the Beach!

This is one of the mermaids that washed up on the beach...Hair still looks nice!

Sunny and 80 today!

Hi to all!

I'm going to post some pictures I took today on my day off.

The first are of some sand sculptures which were done on the beach at Naples.
Here on the top are two dolphins and below a unique looking frog.

This is what you call expressive art!!
And it was admission charge to look at these pieces, lucky can you get...I mean me, for those of you up north, I hear it's cold and rainy.
But that's ok...The bucks are going to the BCS Championship!!!