On the day of the Spring Fling, the below story was read at the luncheon. On each table was a golf ball. While the story was being read by Mrs. Potts, when she mentioned the word LEFT, the person with the ball would pass it to the left. When she said the word RIGHT, it was passed to the right. When the word across was mentioned, the ball was passed across the table. The purpose of this is explained at the end of the story.
I was laughing the whole time, how clever....how very clever. This group of ladies, are so talented and creative. Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Merryman wrote the story. Thank you both for taking the time to put together such a entertaining story. It was well scripted!!! I wanted Drew to be able to read it, I know he'll get a kick out of it. In the picture below you can see the centerpieces which were put together by a very talented women. Mrs. Mundth not only paints but creates such pieces as the one you see below. Great job Mrs. Mundth!
It was a sunny Thursday morning in Naples, and Kim LEFT her house on the way to Windstar for her 9-holer clinic. She turned LEFT at a stoplite and then remembered that she had LEFT her nephew Drew at the house!! (Drew was visiting during Spring Break, and Kim planned to take him along to the Club that day) Anyway, Kim made a RIGHT turn, then another RIGHT to get back to the house. Drew was RIGHT in front of the garage waiting for her, and he walked STRAIGHT ACROSS the street and got into the RIGHT side of the car. Kim reminded him to fasten his seat belt from RIGHT to LEFT, and off they went. She turned LEFT at the corner and then LEFT again to get on the RIGHT road. When she turned RIGHT off of Bayshore into Windstar Kim had to use the LEFT gate because the RIGHT gate was not working. She hurried to the Clubhouse to pick up her training aids since she only had 10 minutes LEFT before the clinic would begin. She needed to check her notes so got RIGHT to it and finished with 3 minutes LEFT.
Kim LEFT Drew at the putting green and headed to the driving range for the clinic. Today's clinic would be the final one of the season, and Kim planned to review information from several previous clinics.First Kim reviewed how to grip the club, reminding the ladies to place the club in the LEFT hand, then gently wrap the RIGHT hand around it. However, for the LEFT handers like Mrs. Leverte she had to reverese the instructions for LEFT and RIGHT.Kim then disscussed alignment, telling the ladies to stand behind the ball as if they were taking a picture, find something STRAIGHT ACROSS about 3 feet out, then line up to that target when addressing the ball. She had to correct Mrs. Mead several times, who kept hitting her shots to the RIGHT and the RIGHT and the RIGHT time after time.The final drill was on improving distance. Kim handed Mrs. Harris a broom and instructed her to sweep the broom from RIGHT to Left and listen for the swoosh. She told Mrs. Harris to repeat this several times...swoosh RIGHT to LEFT, RIGHT to LEFT, RIGHT to LEFT. Of course, with Mrs. Gadkowski being LEFT-handed everything was the opposite for her, so Mrs. Gadkowski did the broom from LEFT to RIGHT, LEFT to RIGHT, LEFT to RIGHT.At the end of the clinic the ladies asked Kim "How did we do?" Her response was "I am very proud of you". You did everything RIGHT and LEFT nothing to chance.
At that moment Drew came running up from the putting green with a confused look on his face. He grabbed Kim's arm and said, "Aunt Kim, the ladies here at Windstar talk really funny". Kim asked him what he meant and he said there was a group of ladies over by the putting green waiting to attend the 12:00 clinic. Drew said "I overheard them talking and they don't make any sense. A lady named Mrs. Schumaker was telling the others that "if the tick tock doesn’t work she'll try the swoosh swoosh, and if all else fails she'll carry the bird's nest with her". Alas, Kim realized that she had more work LEFT to do.Well, that's the end of the story, and there is only on thing LEFT to say....if you are holding the yellow golf ball at this point you'll take the centerpiece home today.
The End
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