Summer is coming to an end and I am amazed how fast it went, and how much my students accomplished this season.
As many of you know, the majority of students that I have in the summer time are juniors.
One of my focuses this year was to introduce younger kids to the game. How do I do that and keep them interested? That was the challenge!
The age group I'm referring to is 5-6, I even had some 4 year olds. I was amazed how well they did and how much fun it was for me.
I mixed the 5 and 6 year olds with ages of 7-9. I used the older kids to be role models and let them know that as well. I really think they enjoyed being the "older kids".
I used agility drills and exercises to work on eye/hand coordination.
With kids of this age, I found you always have to be moving, there can never be a dull moment!
That keeps me on my toes!!
The one thing I said so often is, "this is the future of this game", juniors. The earlier they start and have fun with it, the better they will be, and the more time they will have to spend playing this wonderful game!!
So thanks to all your parents for choosing me to be the one to introduce them to the game, a game of a lifetime!